
Serendibite is an extremely rare silicate mineral that was first discovered in 1902 in Sri Lanka by Dunil Palitha Gunasekera and named after Serendib, the old Arabic name for Sri Lanka.

Serendibite can be found in colors such as pale yellow, blue-green, greyish blue, black. It can be found in Sri Lanka, USA, Canada, Madagascar, Tanzania, Russia, Myanmar. In Sri Lanka, Specially from Kurunegala, Ratnapura, Embilipitiya, Kolonna.

Chemical Formula: (Ca,Na)2(Mg,Fe2+)3(Al,Fe3+)3[O2|(Si,Al,B)6O18]

Elements listed: Al, B, Ca, Mg, O, Si

Common Impurities: Ti,Fe,Mn,Na,K,F,H2O,P

Lustre: Vitreous

Hardness: 6½ - 7

Specific Gravity: 3.42 - 3.52

Crystal System: Triclinic

Density: 3.42 - 3.52 g/cm3 (Measured)

RI values: nα = 1.701 nβ = 1.703 nγ = 1.706

Pleochroism: Strong; X = pale yellow, yellow-green
to blue-green; Y = almost colorless, pale yellow, blue, blue-green; Z = light to dark blue.

Category: Inosilicates

Crystal class: Pinacoidal

Diaphaneity: Transparent, Translucent, Opaque

Serendibite is a Biaxial (+) gemstone and can be seen strong dispersion. Serendibite may be confused with sapphirine and zoisite. Open color gem-quality serendibite gemstones are extremely rare to find from mining and very expensive. Serendibite is still one of the 10 rarest gems in the world

The mineral is found in skarns associated with boron metasomatism of carbonate rocks where intruded by granite. Association: Diopside, spinel, phlogopite, scapolite, calcite, tremolite, apatite, grandidierite, sinhalite, hyalophane, uvite, pargasite, clinozoisite, forsterite, warwickite, graphite.


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